FM Technical Expert Eric Leclercq has been one of the technical experts of the DOSIM team for some years now.
His missions include recommending technical solutions to be implemented when answering requests for quotes, whether in terms of human resources, processes or materials. He advises our customers and also supports everybody in their daily tasks. He manages and monitors technical projects (construction management, planning, cost control, etc.).
To broaden his range of skills, Eric Leclercq took the SUVA Safety Assistant training course, which covers the basics of safety in the workplace for coordinators and managers. The topics covered during this course are:
- legal frameworks,
- system-oriented health and safety,
- the security of technical systems,
- human factors in workplace safety,
- prevention of occupational disease,
- analysis of accidents,
- encouraging safe behaviour.
The knowledge he has acquired thus enables him today to:
- assist safety officers in accident prevention,
- organise health and safety within the company,
- assist our branches in implementing safety-conscious behaviour.
The DOSIM Group’s training policy aims to continuously support our employees in their careers and optimise their skills and services.
In addition, safety is one of the priority areas of the DOSIM Group policy. This is why we have set up a structure dedicated to Health and Safety at Work that includes 3 Safety Officers and several Safety Assistants working throughout the country.
Ensuring optimum quality for the services provided to our customers is our priority, high standards drive our team!
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